Louise Worthington

Louise is a country girl at heart who has always enjoyed reading. She studied literature at the University of Essex, later obtained a teaching qualification from Loughborough University and taught English in secondary schools for many years. Recently she moved to a farm in Shropshire with her husband and daughter where she runs a self-catering business. She started writing in 2019 after studying for a postgraduate diploma in psychology.

Louise enjoys writing about the complexity and the darker side of the human heart! Many of her novels explore motherhood, mental health disorders, revenge and family. Her tales are imbued with strong emotional themes and atmospheric settings from poisonous gardens, and medieval dungeons to an isolated property by the sea. Rachel’s Garden is set in the Peckforton Woods in Cheshire, where she spent a lot of time as a child, and Distorted Days, Rosie Shadow and Doctor Glass have links with Shrewsbury where she lives now.



Sarah Sheridan


Linda Tyler