Joanne Griffiths

Joanne Griffiths started writing A DEADLY GAME over 25 years ago, after falling in love with crime fiction through reading Agatha Christie novels.

Despite a desire to become a writer, there was always something else going on and although the manuscript occasionally made an appearance,  it would be shelved again as other things took priority.

Raising two children as a single parent, completing a degree in Health and Social Welfare and educating children outside of the school system, meant there wasn't always time to focus on her novel.

In 2014 however,  a health scare that led to Joanne becoming critically ill, made her stop and take stock of what she wanted to achieve in life and the desire to become a writer took centre stage again. 

Having finished A Deadly Game, Joanne is now working on her second novel and although life is still busy, with two grown children and two small dogs at home, her focus is now firmly on her writing.


Joanna Stephen-Ward


Jennie Ensor