M. Sean Coleman

Born in the UK and raised in South Africa, M. Sean Coleman developed a love for reading and writing novels in his early teens, thanks to two incredibly passionate English teachers who infected him with their love of words and stories.

After studying Scriptwriting at university, he began his writing career as a staff writer on The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy–Online Edition (h2g2.com) with Douglas Adams, and still worries that he peaked too early. Over the intervening years, he has written film and television drama, cross-platform series, an interactive children's storybook and even a graphic novel series.

He finally found his niche as a (thriller) writer when he was asked to write a novel as part of the cross-platform project, Netwars. His first book, The Code, was published six months later, with the sequel, Down Time, hot on its heels. There was no going back. Since then, The Cuckoo Wood, A Hollow Sky and On Stony Ground have all been published.

He is obsessed with crime, mystery and thriller stories, especially those with a fresh or surprising angle.

Sean lives with his wife and family on the edge of the Peak District, where they often head out on epic walks.


Catherine Simpson


Evan Baldock